See a list of countries we currently serve here = Signatories
Songrite offers a unique International Copyright Registration Service that permits songwriters, authors, creators and legitimate copyright owners the right to deposit copies of their original works (songs, music and lyrics) to be securely stored as legal evidence to provide corroborative support of rightful ownership in cases of infringement, plagiarism or other copyright disputes.
We issue three types of "Official Songrite Copyright Certificate ©" All relevant details are then recorded separately on our Copyright Registration Database, naming the author/s, the composition and the date registered.
Each copyright certificate is valid for life of the author plus a minimum of 50 years. Also with each certificate you get an Authors contract plus a Song Composite Document detailing all the relevant information of the registered works When you register the copyrights of your songs / lyrics you can include your Band / Group / Stage / Performers Name, the details will be added to our records and certified within your issued registration documents. There is no extra charge or additional fees to pay, this service is included in the registration fee for submitted works.
Song & Lyric Registration Service
Copyright Certificates:
Band / Performers Names
Song & Lyrical Copyrights Registered

Privacy Policy
Songrite © has a legal obligation under the Data Protection Act to ensure that all information held and processed complies with the principles of that Act. The Act requires that all personal information is treated in the strictest of confidence and used only for the purposes we have made you aware of. Songrite © remains committed to our clients' needs and expectations and will continue in our quest to protect the creators of original works / compositions ensuring their rights are not infringed in any way. Songrite © takes the privacy of your personal information very seriously and will use your information only in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. We will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information or a list of our customers to third parties.
Some pages on the Songrite © website include links to third party websites. These sites are governed by their own privacy statements, and Songrite © is not responsible for their operations, including but not limited to their information practices. Users submitting information to or through these third party Websites should review the privacy statement of these sites before providing them with personally identifiable information.
Personal details and information held by Songrite © will be subject to the principles and rules of the Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
Data Protection Act 1998.
The Data Protection Act 1998 received Royal Assent in July 1998 and came into force on 1 March 2005. The Act gives effect to the EC Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC ).
The Act strengthens and extends the data protection regime created by the Data Protection Act 1984, which it replaces. This note summarises the main provisions. Further information may be obtained from the Office of the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF - telephone: 01625 545745; or from Her Majesty's Stationery Office web site
Scope The 1998 Act applies to:
computerised personal data ;
personal data held in structured manual files .
It applies to anything at all done to personal data ("processing"), including collection, use, disclosure, destruction and merely holding personal data. An enforceable good practice code Organisations processing personal data ("controllers") must comply with the data protection principles. These require data to be:
- fairly and lawfully processed;
- processed for limited purposes;
- adequate, relevant and not excessive;
- accurate;
- not kept longer than necessary;
- processed in accordance with individuals' rights;
- kept secure;
- not transferred to non-EEA (European Economic Area) countries without adequate protection.
- meet one of six conditions in order to process personal data;
- meet one of a number of further conditions in order to process sensitive data*;
- inform individuals when their data are collected.
* Sensitive data are data about a person's ethnic origins, political opinions, religious beliefs, trade union membership, health, sexual life and criminal history. Individuals' Rights. The Act gives individuals rights to:
- gain access to their data;
- seek compensation.
- prevent their data being processed in certain circumstances;
- "opt-out" of having their data used for direct marketing;
- "opt-out" of fully automated decision-making about them.
More information regarding Data Protection can be found by clicking this link
How do we treat E-mails you send us?
Many pages on our website;
have a "Contact" button, which activates our e-mail form and invites you to send your comments to a specific functional mailbox.
When you send such a message, your personal data is collected only to the extent necessary to reply. If the management team of the mailbox is unable to answer your question, it will forward your e-mail to another service. You will be informed, via e-mail, about which service your question has been forwarded to.
If you have any questions about the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to include them in your message.
Please Read
The information that you disclose to Songrite Copyright Registration Office as a member or a postal client, is stored on our servers in a password-protected, personal account. To ensure maximum security, we use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology and data encryption software, to provide secure communication over the Internet. The SSL is engaged during any interaction in which you enter personal information. All information is stored behind a secure computer firewall, a barrier that prevents outsiders from accessing our servers. Privacy:
The information contained within this site is offered as a consideration to visitors and at no time should the information be construed as legal advice; for all legal matters, we encourage our clients to seek the assistance of an attorney. The Copyright Office is not responsible for policing, or checking on registered works and their use, and cannot guarantee that the legitimacy of ownership or originality in a work registered with Songrite will never be questioned.
Copyright © 2024 Songrite Copyright Office - Song Copyrights - Music Copyrights - Lyric Copyrights.